Join the PTA Today
We need your help to achieve our goal of 100% participation.
PTA membership is open to everybody– whether you’re a parent, student, educator, business leader or community member. Do good things for kids – join PTA!
As an incentive, the classroom with the greatest percentage of participation will receive an ice cream party, and the top 3 classes with the greatest percentage will earn their teachers a $25.00 “Scholastic Dollars” credit for books and classroom supplies.
Why Should I Join The PTA?
When you join the PTA you show your child that school matters and that you are invested
in their success.
Being a part of the PTA you will…
•Get connected– There’s no better way to know what’s happening in schools or to develop relationships withteachers and principals
•Discover great resources– PTA offers a variety of unique programs andmaterials for students,parents, families, schoolsand communities
•Speak up– PTA gives families and communitymembers a “seat at thetable” when important school decisions are being made
•Be a role model– By becoming a PTA member, you demonstrate to your child the importance you place on education
•Make a difference– By working together, PTA members advance local, state and national laws andpolicies to improve theeducation, health and well-being of all children
Membership is only $10. These dues are shared among National ($2.25), State ($2.00), 33rd District ($.50), and Long Beach Council PTA ($.30). The remainder ($4.95) remains at Cubberley to help fund the various programs and services PTA provides for all Cubberley students.
Click here to join online. (There is a $1 convenience fee charged by the processor to enroll online.) Please make sure to add your student’s name and grade level in the notes section. Or, if you would rather pay by cash or check:
Pick up an envelope in the office. Fill out the envelope with the member’s name(s), student’s name and grade level, and a valid email address. (If you wish to add more members than there are lines provided, please enclose a separate sheet of paper.)
Enclose cash or check (Payable to Cubberley PTA)- $10 per member.
Return the envelope to your child’s teacher or the office.
There is! Click here to learn more about what they are.