Programs Funded by PTA

Your Donations at Work

  • Art Enrichment

    Art Night- Cubberley’s all-school art show and interactive experience

  • Beautification- plant and maintain flower beds, campus clean-up events, etc.

  • Communications-PTA Website, Room Parent program

  • Cub of the Month- implementation of the “Cubs Have Character’ traits into the classroom setting, with a monthly award to a student in each class who exemplifies that month’s highlighted trait

  • Emergency Preparedness- stock and maintain emergency supplies container on campus

  • Garden Program- teaches all of our K-5 students how to plant, tend, and harvest their own vegetables and herbs, as well as the benefits of healthy eating. Every student receives a monthly lesson (kindergarten begins in the second semester) and a healthy snack made from the vegetables and herbs they have helped to grow

  • Hall of Fame- a parent committee works with Cubberley staff to select the two (one boy and one girl) 8th grade students that stand out as leaders in academics, extra-curricular activities, citizenship, and community service

  • Honor Roll Celebration- luncheon and award presentation for middle school honor roll students

  • Jeopardy! Tournament- middle school students have the opportunity to participate in a curriculum-based Jeopardy! tournament, complete with digital scoreboards, buzzers, podiums and the classic theme song. The school winner moves on to compete against other local middle schools

  • Library Enhancement

  • Literature Club (Middle School) and Reading Rewards (Elementary)- reward students for daily reading (shown to improve test scores and overall well-being)

  • Music- assistance with the purchase of sheet music and other supplies, as well as volunteer help at concerts and events

  • Office Copier Lease, Copy Room Services, Hospitality- financial assistance to the school for the lease of a copy machine specific to the office staff, volunteers to make copies for teachers, staff appreciation luncheons, 6th grade orientation, etc.

  • Red Ribbon Week- implementation of the week-long national “Say No to Drugs” campaign

  • Scholarships- PTA awards two $1,000 college scholarships to former Cubs

  • School Spirit- purchase of banners, signs, and fence designs to promote school spirit

  • Student Enrichment Activities- various other activities, assemblies, and programs to enrich and enhance the student experience at Cubberley

  • Teacher of the Year- PTA asks students to nominate a deserving teacher and write an essay explaining the nomination. A winning teacher is selected and recognized

Your generous donations fund these valuable enrichment programs that help our students shine. Thank you!