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Wear Orange for Unity

Greetings Cubberley Families,

The month of October is Bully Prevention Month. We have been reminding students all month, via the morning announcements, that what they do today can impact someone’s tomorrow. Bullying can hurt for a lifetime.

If you would like some additional information on how to support your students with bullying, please click on the link:

National Unity Day is Wednesday, Oct. 23. We are asking all students and staff to wear ORANGE to show that we stand together against bullying and are UNITED for kindness, acceptance and inclusion.

Here are the 5 Ways to Prevent Bullying that we have been sharing with students this week:

  • Hang out with others and do not go places or walk home alone. There’s safety in numbers.

  • Avoid instigators. They only want to cause problems and are not your friend.

  • Find an ally-- someone who will be there for you no matter what.

  • Be strong and confident. Bullies look for students who appear weak or scared.Report bullying when you see or experience it. If you see something, say something.

Thank you,

~Mrs. Imbroane