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Turkey Trot- PTA Fundraiser Event

Lace Up for the Turkey Trot!


Here it is folks, our annual, one and only, PTA fundraiser, the Turkey Trot!!!!


We are kicking off the Thanksgiving holiday with some fun, physical fitness, and pie on Nov. 17! You have the opportunity to raise money for our beloved Cubberley, to support the programs that help benefit our Cub community! So ask your neighbors, family, and friends to make a tax deductible donation to support your Cub! Parents, please check with your employers to see if they match donations too. Keep a look out for more information that will be coming home soon. In the meantime, mark your calendars and come out to cheer on your Cub!


Our annual fundraiser is what makes all of the enrichment programs that PTA funds possible-- Meet the Masters, Character Counts, the Jeopardy tournament, Art Night, campus beautification, our fabulous Garden Program, Red Ribbon Week, and much more! For a complete list of the programs PTA sponsors, please click here. We need your support to continue to make these wonderful programs available to our Cubs.

Prizes Wanted
Our amazing Cub families have come through in the past with some fabulous prizes to reward donors (Go Pro cameras, guitars, American Girl dolls, etc.), and we would love to be able to offer similar incentives this year. If you would like to donate a prize, please contact Shannon Garbiero at the email address below.

Volunteers Needed
Many hands make for light work. If you would like to help out with Turkey Trot, we would love some more volunteers. Please sign up here to volunteer.

Earlier Event: November 16
PTA Meeting in the library
Later Event: November 20
Thanksgiving Break- NO SCHOOL