Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
— Helen Keller

Current Campaign
Current Campaign -
Help Cubberley Win the National PTA School of Excellence Award!
Please take our 2-3 minute survey on family engagement. The grade level with the most responses by September 30 will get a free dress day!
Join The PTA
When you join the PTA you show your child that school matters and that you are invested in their success.
PTA membership is open to everybody– whether you’re a parent, student, educator, business leader or community member. Do good things for kids – join PTA!
Get Involved and Make a Difference!
Our PTA supports many different programs but we need parent/family volunteers in order to provide these spirited, fun, and enriching programs.
Our Programs
Your generous donations fund these valuable enrichment programs that help our students shine.
Advocacy and Legislation
Arts Committee
Book Fair
Bulletin Board
Copy Center
Cub of the Month
Cubs Have Character
Emergency Preparedness
Garden Box Program
Hall of Fame
Honor Roll Luncheon
Literature Club for middle school
Lost and Found/ Uniform Exchange
Online Newsletter
Reading Rewards
Red Ribbon
Restaurant Night (Dining for Dollars) Coordinator
School Pictures
Spirit Wear